{* If products count > 1, then build select, else just display one title *} {if count($products)>1} {else} {* If only one membership type enabled *} {/if} {* Select Payment System in same way, only if its count > 1 *} {if count($paysystems)>1} {else}{* There is only one payment system enabled *} {/if}
Select a Membership Type {foreach from=$products item=p} {$p.title} (${$p.price})

Membership Type {foreach from=$products item=p} {$p.title} (${$p.price|number_format}) - {$p.description}
Select a Payment System {foreach from=$paysystems item=p} {$p.title} - {$p.description}

Payment System {foreach from=$paysystems item=p} {$p.title} - {$p.description}
Your Name
your first & last name
Your E-Mail Address
will be used to send confirmation
Choose a Log-in Name (User ID)
enter preferred user id
- it will be used after payment
to login into your account.
Must be 4 or more characters
and can contain small letters, numbers and _
check for uniqueness
Choose a Password
Must be more 4 or more characters
Confirm your password
enter password again

Not yet registered? register here